一、有機生物光電元件(Biopolymer optoelectronic devices)
Biopolymer based on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) has shown promise for building advanced optoelectronic devices with enhanced efficiency. Our approaches to use the unique features of DNA helix molecules along with several distinguished electrical/optical properties of DNA biopolymer explore new routes towards the developments of more economic and green photonic devices.
二、超穎材料:模擬與應用(Metamaterials: Simulation and application)
Metamaterials are artificial materials comprised of engineered structures from which several unique electromagnetic responses can be achieved. Our research is to better understand the responses of these metamaterials in order to manipulate the performance and explore potential applications.
三、電漿子光學:物理機制與應用(Plasmonics: Mechanism and application)
Explore electromagnetic phenomena in sub-wavelength nanostructures and metallic nanocomposites. Many interesting properties may find broad implementation in plasmonic photonic devices, holography, and medical applications.
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