.T.H Kao, L.Y Chang Chien, and Y-C Hung, “Dual circular polarization gaps in helix photonic metamaterials”, OPTICS EXPRESS , Vol. 23, Issue 19, pp. 24416-24425, 2015
. Y. R. Li, Y. C. Hung, “Dispersion-free broadband optical polarization rotation based on helix photonic metamaterials”, OPTICS EXPRESS 16772, Vol. 23, No. 13, 2015
. Y. L. Wang, K. Y. Chen, W. C. Yang, S. Y. Chiu, H. H. Huang, Y. C. Hung, and K. Y. Cheng, “Directional luminescence control of InGaN/GaN heterostructures using quantum structure lattice arrays”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 106, 111109, 2015
. H. H. Huang, Y. C. Hung, “Designs of Helix Metamaterials for Broadband and High-Transmission Polarization Rotation”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Volume 6, Number 5, October 2014
. Y. C. Hung, D. M. Bauer, I. Ahmed, L. Fruk, “DNA from natural sources in design of functional devices”, Methods, Vol. 67, Issue 2, pp. 105–115, 2014.
. H. Y. Hsueh, Y. C. Ling, H. F. Wang, L. Y. Chang Chien, Y. C. Hung, E. Thomas, and R, M. Ho, “Shifting Networks to Achieve Subgroup Symmetry Properties”, Advanced Materials, Vol. 26, Issue 20, pp. 3225–3229, 2014. (Featured as Front Cover of Advanced Materials)
. H. Y. Hsueh, H. Y. Chen, Y. C. Ling, W. S. Huang, Y. C. Hung, S. Gwo and R. M. Ho, “A polymer-based SERS-active substrate with gyroid-structured gold multibranches”, J. Mater. Chem. C, Vol. 2, pp. 4667-4675, 2014
. Y. R. Li, R. M. Ho, and Y. C. Hung “Plasmon Hybridization and Dipolar Interaction on the Resonances of Helix Metamaterials”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 5, pp. 2700510, 2013.
. H. Y. Hsueh, H. Y. Chen, Y. C. Hung, Y. C. Ling, S. Gwo and R. M. Ho, “Well-defined multibranched gold with surface plasmon resonance in near-infrared region from seeding growth approach using gyroid block copolymer template”, Advanced Materials, Vol. 25, pp. 1780, 2013.
. Y. C. Hung, T. Y. Lin, W. T. Hsu, C. H. Su, T. S. Wang and L. Fruk, "Functional DNA-surfactant biopolymers for optoelectronic applications", Optical Materials, Vol. 34, pp. 1208, 2012.
. Y. C. Hung, C. H. Su, H. W. Huang, “Low threshold amplified spontaneous emission from dye-doped DNA biopolymer”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, 113107, 2012. (Selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research)
. T. Y. Lin, I. C. Chen, and Y. C. Hung, “Hole mobility characterization of DNA biopolymer by time-of-flight technique”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, 153701, 2012.
. I. C. Chen, Y. W. Chiu, Y. C. Hung, “Efficient biopolymer blue organic Light-Emitting devices with low driving voltage”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 51, 031601, 2012.
. Y. C. Hung, M. Philipp, Y. S. Wang, L. Fruk, “Phototriggered growth of crystalline Au structures in the presence of a DNA-surfactant complex”, Nanoscale, Vol. 4, 5585, 2012.
. Y. C. Hung, W. T. Hsu, T. Y. Lin, and L. Fruk, “Photoinduced write-once read-many-times memory device based on DNA biopolymer nanocomposite”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 99, 253301, 2011. (Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Highlighted in Nature Photonics, AIP Physics News, APL Research Highlights, IEEE Spectrum)
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